Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 29, 2010

16 Weeks 6 Days

I was feeling a bit guilty looking back at Gavin's and Logan's Blogs and thinking how I wrote so much more for Gavin than Logan, but then I realised that there was so much more unknown with Gavin that I really had to vent a lot more often. With Gavin my frame of reference was zero regarding the situation so I was poppin off every other day with thoughts and feelings and with Logan I just kind of hulled up and waited out the pregnancy storm to get to the prize. As it was with Logan so it is with you. I am SO EXCITED just to go to the ultrasound on the 20th of November or there abouts that I can hardly stand it. I try not to think about it or time will just drag on. I imagine if they say you're a girl I will cry and if they say its a boy I will get all swollen with pride. Daddy is so very proud of his boys you can't even imagine. The names alone were months of planning and choosing. Saying it over and over again to make sure it rolled right and sounded proper and couldn't be easily spun into a silly taunt. I know it sounds crazy but I really thought about those things. I love you all so much.

Just as an aside and so I can remember when this happened daddy saved a mans life last shift. He had what is called a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm it is very dangerous and daddy was able to recognize it and let the hospital know about it. (12/01/10) I just found out that, they got him into surgery and were able to repair it. God has given him the gift of more time on this earth.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

15 Weeks 3 Days

You just felt the baby move for the first time! Woohoo! How exciting. The little phone app we downloaded said you could feel something right about now. So funny that it actually happened!
Big week ahead for me with school and everything, but the kids seem to really be driving you nuts lately. I don't know what to do other than get them away from you as much as possible when I am here. Things should calm down sooner than later tho.

Monday, October 18, 2010

15 Weeks 2 Days

This morning while responding to a large structure fire in a downtown area I had a moment of concern that I might not ever get to see you. The structure that I thought we were responding to was a multi-story multi-family residential building that was just recently finished in the downtown area of a neighboring town. As the truck company our job would be to enter the structure and search for trapped occupants. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was a multi-story abandoned industrial building and I knew we would just setup the tower and drowned it in water. I don't know why I get this way when your mother is pregnant but I do. It must be my flair for the dramatic. Silly I guess.

Credit to for the picture.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Today we remember all babies born sleeping. Those we have carried but never met. And those we have held, but could not take home.

R.I.P. Daddies Angels you're the reason I started writing these blogs.

R.I.P. Tyler Austin we love you and will never forget you.

R.I.P. To baby Munn. We love you tho we never knew you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

14 Weeks 1 day

I guess some things have changed with this being the third time. This time Gavin is old enough to realize what is going on and even Logan communicates well enough to voice his opinions. Gavin has joined the Wrestling Team and we are excited to see him in action! He is going to be a good protector big brother.

Time seems to be going by pretty quickly this time. I am barely noticing the weeks pass by. I guess the perspective of how quickly 9 months goes by is relative. I remember thinking Gavin would never get here and Logan was more of the same I suppose. Possibly time will slow when we get to the uncomfortable stages.

Lori and I are really hoping Michelle and Travis can get pregnant and have a baby in close proximity to ours. Only time will tell but it's fun to have cousins close in age to eachother.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

13 weeks 3 days

Your brothers are so funny! We askedthem what we should name you if you were a girl and Gavin and Logan agree we should name you Savannah after your cousin, but if you are a girl we are going to name you Grace. When we asked what we should name you if you are a boy Gavin blurted out with out pause MICHAEL JACKSON! So we joke and call mommies tummy Michael Jackson.
Your big brother Logan is 3 years old and he is so confused about you being in mommies tummy he keeps asking how the doctor is going to get you out of mommies tummy. Mommy told him he uses his tools and he asked if they were like daddies tools in his tool box, but have no fear they are not. Logan still insists he wants to pet your head. So many people will be waiting when you come out you might be a little overwhelmed because we are kinda loud, but I know you will learn to cope just fine.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

13 Weeks

I feel like I need to catch up on some thoughts being that its 13 weeks already and I have already usually logged about 8 posts by now. Well your brother Logan is feeling pretty excited that he is going to be a big brother like Gavin. He will do anything I say if I tie it to a part of being your big brother. He keeps saying he wants to pet your head so just be prepared for that.

I feel like I am being greedy by wanting another perfectly healthy baby boy or girl, but I really do! Sometimes I want to sing to mommies belly, but I feel like I am going to make you a bad singer if I do. Seriously tho, that stuff goes through my head!On similar line of thought Daddy has a picture of Logan and Gavin velcroed under the back of his helmet, but all I have for you is the ultrasound picture so I have it tucked in there so you are always with daddy just in case I have to say goodbye. I don't want you to worry tho because daddy works very hard so that doesn't happen, but we always trust that God knows better than we do so if he needs daddy then daddy has to go.

I have to get back to work, but I just got off the phone with mommy and your brothers so I just wanted to take time to tell you I love you too and goodnight.
